What are your strengths?

  • convincing performances

  • surprising intense drama & comedy range

  • an empathetic listener

  • strong use of gesture and voice

  • scene confidence

  • professional work ethic

  • great physicality

What is your Background?

Instead of playing hockey for a competitive D-1 school, I performed in a play my sophomore year. On stage with me was Nat Faxon and Derek Richardson, who gave me the initial "this is how you Act!" inspiration to continue. Subsequently, I cared less about the varsity teams I was on and more about acting. I did many more plays, for which 'high school' critical acclaim was offered. The school even invited Producer Gale Ann Hurd to speak at my commencement, where she offered me an award for my talents and an invitation to come out to Hollywood (which is a nice offering for an 18 yr. old unknown). Needless to say, the positive reaction to my abilities lead me to Skidmore College, where I studied theater.

I come from a fairly traditional New England family and felt (at a young age) that to serve myself is to serve a community. I was pleasantly surprised to find at Skidmore this ‘ensemble’ acting mentality towards theater, for which I performed in many avant-garde productions. Through this process, I worked with some amazing talent such as: Jon Bernthal, Lake Bell, Eddie Cahill, Mike Zeagan, Rena Strober and many other extremely accomplished individuals. Jon actually recommended I do the Shakespeare Summer Theater Workshop in Washington D.C. where I took master classes with Michael Kahn and Hal Holbrook and was cast as a lead amongst a strong talent pool. I joined the alumni theater troupe, Fovea Floods and performed several well received productions at the Ontological-Hysteric Theater in NYC during my summers around college. This formative group introduced me to bold "shock theater" styles that interplayed cinematic bombardment with dramatic scene craft. This prodigious group started the Obie-award winning theater venue, The Bushwick Starr, and opened up opportunities for me to work with Richard Foreman and Robert Wilson the year after graduation in 2000. 

How come you did not pursue acting out of college?

Although I had a good start to an acting career, I knew at some point I should head home to take care of my terminally ill father, who suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease. So I declined the opportunities to work with both Richard and Robert and returned to take care of my Dad until his death late 2001. During this process, I resolved to explore a purposeful career path that might offer impactful outcomes from my efforts. Since then, I have helped champion science education in Guatemala, child animation production, wooden boat building, sustainability education, renewable energy research, cleantech commercialization, CO politics, too many startup businesses. I still work for startup tech companies in product and marketing roles; however, I have never found the accomplishment that so easily came to me as an actor. 

Why do you want to Act now?

I am excited to deliver my full potential as a motivated and technical actor. Performance art and acting involves all aspects of one's being (life experience, knowledge, instincts, physicality, empathy, perspective, and controlled emotions). I believe to host a substantial amount of perspective from being an entrepreneur, building communities, working hard, and pursuing high-risk startup concepts.  Yet, I enjoy working as an actor more and wish to help production teams deliver unmatched film projects. I started doing commercials for the first time in 2015 and now look for opportunities to flex my acting talent in film. I promise I won't disappoint.